Who We Are

Brownsville Church of God is a member church of the Eastern Regional Conference Churches of God. The church was founded in August 1878 by a group of individuals that had God at heart. The Church actually existed prior to 1878 with the members meeting in each others homes. The congregation did not have much according to the world’s standards, but they were rich in faith toward God.

The Church is multi-cultured, inviting all men and women everywhere from all walks of life to experience the love and power of God. We are experiencing growth today due to the prayers of the saints’ years ago. We continue to believe that prayer is the basis of all things in the Church.

Brownsville Church of God is devoted to biblical teachings and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer, to praising God and enjoying favor of all people.

We invite you to come and enjoy what is now called “The Brownsville’s Experience.” What is the Brownsville Experience, you ask?

  • It is to experience the rich history of a people who desire to serve God and their fellow man.
  • It is to experience the love that God has for everyone through the love of his people.
  • It is to experience a feeling of belonging to something greater than yourself; that is to belong to a work that is at the heart of God.

What We Believe


We believe the Bible to be the inspired infallible Word of God by which he spoke using men to convey his truths, expressing his love and will for humanity to follow him.


We believe there is one God.  He is Triune; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all knowing, all present and all-powerful.  He is Creator and Sustainer of all creation.


We believe Jesus to be the Son of God, born of a virgin; Jesus is fully man and fully God.  He was crucified for the sin of humanity, buried and rose again to life on the third day; He was seen of many witnesses and ascended into heaven and now intercedes before the Father for us.

Holy spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; He is at work today convicting the world of Sin; He indwells and empowers the believer to live godly and equips them with spiritual enablements for service to God.


Jesus is the WAY. One must receive Christ as Saviour and Lord by Faith. This is a choice that man must make in faith whereby he commits to follow God in accepting the atoning sacrifice of Christ for his sin. Man is saved by grace through faith apart from works. (Eph. 2:8-10).


We believe there are three ordinances in the Church of God: Breaking of Bread, Baptism by immersion, and washing of the saint’s feet.

Our Pastor

At Brownsville we believe in worshipping God, loving all people, leading people to Jesus Christ and membership into God’s family; teaching God’s Word for Christian growth that each may be equipped for service and glorify God’s name.

We envision a community of faith where:

  • People are finding acceptance, guidance,
    forgiveness, and encouragement.
  • People are accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • People are growing in Christian maturity through biblical preaching and teaching, worship, seminars, and small groups.
  • People are discovering and using their spiritual gifts, abilities and talents to the Glory of God and service to others.

We believe this vision to be the Lord’s will for His church at Brownsville Church of God.

– Pastor Vic Johnson

Pastor Victor and Katherine Johnson
Pastor Charles and Dorethea Jenkins
Granville and Donna Rae Washington
John and LaShann Copeland
Mike and Michelle Tasker
Gregg Garmen


Deacon James & Sherie Boyd

Deacon Brian & Michelle McNew

Deacon Ron & Erica Weaver

Deacon Kenneth & Jocelynn Davis

Deacon Gerald Tasker

Deacon Gerald Tasker

Deacon Joseph & Mary Dennis

Deacon Anthony & Rochellee Moore

Chairman of Deacon Board

Chairman of Deacon Board, Deacon James & Dorothy McGraw


Deacon Ryan & Sarah Gaither






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